by Tracy | Mar 17, 2011 | Blog, Pop Culture
Just popping this post in for prosperity and because I don’t want every post to be about social media and / or gadgetry. I’ve been watching a fair bit of ABC U.S. series “Brothers & Sisters” on my iPad. I watch it on the train on the way...
by Tracy | Nov 24, 2010 | Blog, Social Media
I co-wrote the following article with the Enterprise Officer from Social Ignition. I thought I would pop it here also since I think it has some great points about Twitter and TV show Tweeting: TV Tweeting Etiquette – How to Tweet TV Shows on Twitter – If you...
by Tracy | Oct 16, 2010 | Blog, Girl Power, Pop Culture
I like a few guilty pleasure TV series, “The L Word” was one of them, with its high drama, great characters and stories, you were always sure to be entertained one way or another. The UK never really had a series similar to Showtimes “The L...
by Tracy | Feb 12, 2010 | Blog, Pop Culture, Social Media
I love to write. I will write anytime I can. There are few things in life so satisfying as creating your own stories and expressing yourself through words. I love to write character based stories with my partner and become deeply immersed in the development of plots...
by Tracy | Feb 28, 2008 | Blog, Pop Culture
We were talking about generations last night, mainly because Angela is watching Quarterlife, this internet streaming show in which Generation Y twenty somethings question life the universe and everything, whilst really just being part of the problem. We’re both...