by Tracy | Aug 22, 2011 | Blog, Girl Power, Interests, Pop Culture
Marriage Equality in Australia – Stuart Roberts MP Says No So last week I decided, like many other Australian citizens, to do the right thing and add my name to the Marriage Equality Petition over at Yes, I’m gay, so no doubt many of you may be...
by Tracy | Sep 17, 2010 | Blog, Gadgets & Gaming, Interests
When I lived in the UK, I went to the same dentist from the age of 2 to around 30. Yes, the same guy. Now, don’t get me wrong, he was a very lovely man and I grew to like him, however I think that in his many years of dentistry, there clearly came a point when...
by Tracy | Mar 13, 2010 | Blog, Social Media
I took a drive today to a location called Sovereign Islands, located in South East Queensland on the Gold Coast. This place is well known around these parts for it’s extremely expensive and grand housing, as well as being the top spot for celebrities, million...
by Tracy | Feb 12, 2010 | Blog, Pop Culture, Social Media
I love to write. I will write anytime I can. There are few things in life so satisfying as creating your own stories and expressing yourself through words. I love to write character based stories with my partner and become deeply immersed in the development of plots...
by Tracy | Aug 21, 2007 | Blog, Travel
RAIN!!!!!So we’ve gone through the entire winter with only a few days rain at the very beginning. The drought has been getting worse, we’re still on level 5 water restrictions and are meant to be moving up to level 6 in September. The dams are almost...