Heard of Rebel Mouse yet? No? Well prepare to be wowed by this new and awesome social media aggregation tool that turns your social channels into one page of content. I promise this isn’t an advert, I’m just completely in love with this tool.

There are plenty of social media aggregation tools on the market at the moment, with some big hitters joining the field every week (Stackla anyone?), but what Rebel Mouse does well is provides a fantastic beta version of their product at no cost. It’s completely free to use and with the upcoming enterprise version being priced at only $3 per week, this is a tool that organizations can use to deliver their content in a way that others can easily consume it.

Rebel Mouse has a bunch of great customizations built in already, including the option of making certain content feature on the page, be moved to another location, or be deleted entirely. You can also add tweets, images pulled from Pinterest via Facebook/Twitter, Facebook content and more.

With Rebel Mouse being in the early stages of development, this is a really exciting tool to keep your eye on. It has a number of potential uses, including crisis response and event management. Check it out now and let me know what you think.

Rebel Mouse .com