If there’s something that tells me how lucky I am to work from home right now, it’s this photo. Yes, it’s our baby dog Huxley, getting comfortable on my desk. For some reason, it doesn’t matter how many cushions, dog beds or other soft surfaces there are, he seems to want to position himself on my desk, right on my keyboard.
I have a theory about this and here it is for you all to oooohhh and aaaahhhh over…. ready… brace yourselves…. my theory is simple – he’s a Mac fanboy. Doesn’t matter where I have the laptop, desktop or any other Apple products, he likes to get up close to them (not in a pervy way) and happily snoozes away next to them. Most of the day today he was trying to hit the return key constantly, which for a moment I thought might mean he was trying to communicate with me. I resigned myself to the fact that he had nowhere else to put his cute little paw and was probably trying to scrape out some crumbs from my cookie lodged in the keys.
Anyway, enjoy this photo…. it’s a slice of my life that I wanted to share with you and it makes me happy. Feel free to share your cute pet photos too!