Date: 26th Jan 2007 – Australia Day! Where to begin, ok let’s see, where were we last…. OK, so we were planning a SeaCat trip across to the city. What started out as an adventure fast became a nightmare (of comical error and stupidity!).

The handout in our apartment informed us that a trip to the SeaCat terminal would be a 15 minute walk, with this in mind we set off in the blazing sun… 40 minutes later as we rounded a riverbend, we saw what we thought was the terminal, thank goodness!! Alas it wasn’t, now we were confused. We knew we’d gone the right way as we had a map. We then saw the ferry coming, and it went past us, a further 10 minutes up the road!! We missed it, so we waited for the next.

We took a lot of photos of the trip, but to save you all mass boredom, we’ve only posted a few. Some of the Sea Cat and some of the houses on the riverside (in the usual place).

The house build is ongoing and they seem to be working at a fairly fast rate, so here’s hoping it’s ready when we think it will be and we’re not left stranded! You can check out updated pics of that (should it float your boat!). As you can see the roof frame is now up etc. We also discovered the basketball court and park across the road, something for Cat!

The Gold Coast
Wow… not much else to say really. We decided spur of the moment to take a drive down there yesterday since it’s only 25 minutes from the house and wow! You can check out the pictures.

Because we don’t have the internet and this isn’t our computer (we’re using the hotels as they don’t have wifi!) it’s difficult to remember what order we did things in, so forgive the jumbled nature of this. Last night (Thurs 25th Jan) we drove into town to check out South Bank. We wanted to see the inner city beach, which is, just what it sounds like, right in the center of the city. It was really cool, as you can see in this post image.

You can check out our Misc photos on flickr also. We did this to try and keep things neat for you all. Hope you’ve liked this update! catch you later!