by Tracy | May 2, 2011 | Blog, Gadgets & Gaming
Let me preface this by saying, I love my Amazon Kindle. It’s light, works outside in natural light (unlike my iPad) and the ‘Whispernet’ function is fantastic for purchasing books on the fly. Rumours are now flying that Amazon is going to introduce...
by Tracy | Sep 17, 2010 | Blog, Gadgets & Gaming, Interests
When I lived in the UK, I went to the same dentist from the age of 2 to around 30. Yes, the same guy. Now, don’t get me wrong, he was a very lovely man and I grew to like him, however I think that in his many years of dentistry, there clearly came a point when...
by Tracy | May 5, 2010 | Blog, Pop Culture, Social Media, Travel
Recently, we were on a cruise which meant for 10 whole days we were pretty much without communication to the outside world. Our cellphones didn’t work the entire time we were away, we had no internet connection (unless we wanted to pay extortionate fees to use...
by Tracy | Mar 23, 2009 | Blog, Gigs, Girl Power
For those of you who are interested in spending your weekend thinking about women’s body sizes and whether the future of media, virtualization and more can influence body shape, you might want to check out the Ideas Festival Debate. I’ve listed the...