Digitial disruption for SME and Government
As 2014 soon draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect back on 2014 and what your business achieved for the year. Deloitte’s much lauded digital disruption paper has led to a number of large organisations reconsidering their digital strategy, but what about you? How many of the Deloitte Tech Trends of 2014 were you able to implement at your company? What were the key issues you had when deploying and were there any issues that prevented you from being groundbreaking?
Deloitte have split their trends into two separate groups ‘disruptors’ and ‘enablers’. They explain them thus: disruptors are technologies that can create sustainable positive disruption in IT capabilities, business operations, and sometimes even business models; and enablers are technologies in which many CIOs have already invested time and effort, but that warrant another look this year because of new developments, new capabilities, or new potential use cases.
The main digital themes are there such as social activation, mobile, cloud orchestration, real-time DevOps, crowdsourcing and wearable devices. For most SME, social activation and mobile seem to be the most accessible and provide best ROI, but have you had any different experiences?